Company Formation
KK (Kabushiki Kaisha) and GK (Godo Kaisha) are separate legal entity and highest credible entity form in Japan. Most clients choose the entity form, either KK or GK to operate businesses.
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Post Company Registration Procedures
The following two procedures (#1 and #2) are required to initiate the business operations after completing the company registration.
#1. Initial Tax Notifications: 25,000 yen / one time
#2. Corporate Bank Account Opening: 20,000 yen / one time
In the case the company pays remuneration to the director, it needs to enroll social insurance scheme (health insurance and pension) for the director.
#3. Social Insurance Initial Enrollment for the company and director: 30,000 yen / one time
In the case the company hires employee, it needs to enroll labor insurance scheme for the employee.
#4. Labor Insurance Initial Enrollment for the company and employee: 30,000 yen / one time
Also, the company is required to enter into the employment agreement with the employee.
#5. Draft of Employment Agreement in compliance with updated labor law (English and Japanese)